Immunity Panel + TB Quantiferon for Minor
$ 349.00
Testing for individual <16 years old
This panel measures the Hepatitis B, MMR (Measles/Rubeola, Mumps, Rubella), and Varicella IgG Antibody titers. and TB Blood Test.
Many people have been vaccinated with Hepatitis B, MMR, and/or Varicella vaccines at some point in their lives or have had the disease. These titer tests are the best way to confirm immunity to those diseases.
The Hepatitis B Surface Antibody titer tests whether you have immunity to Hepatitis B. The Measles, or Rubeola, Mumps and Rubella titer tests check whether you have immunity to those respective diseases. The Varicella, or Chicken Pox, titer tests whether you have immunity to Varicella.
Includes titers for :
Note: Titers are Igg Quantitative titers.
- Varicella titer
- MMR titer
- Hep B titer
- TB Testing - Blood Test
Depending on the request type, state of residency, age of child successful matches typically happen within 24-48 hours. If request are denied the order is cancelled and full refund issued. LabReqs.com/Schooltiters only helps with lab testing orders. We do not provide any diagnosis or helping with any medical exemptions for vaccinations.