$ 79.00
Who should get a Gonorrhea test?
Gonorrhea is a STD and you should get a gonorrhea test if you have symptoms, such as (for women) increased vaginal discharge, bleeding associated with vaginal intercourse, or burning/painful urination; or (for men) pus discharging from the penis, a burning sensation during urination, or proctitis (inflammation of the rectal or anal area). Because many infected people do not have any symptoms, a number of organizations have published screening recommendations.
Also known as:
GC Test
Formal name:
Neisseria gonorrhoeae Culture; Neisseria gonorrhoeae Gram Stain; Neisseria gonorrhoeaeDNA Probe; Neisseria gonorrhoeae by Amplified Detection
Related tests:
Why Get Tested?
To screen for or diagnose a gonorrhea infection
When to Get Tested?
For screening: may be recommended if you are sexually active, pregnant or considering pregnancy, or at increased risk for this sexually transmitted disease (STD) For diagnosis: when you have symptoms of this STD, such as pain during urination or bowel movements, anal discharge, itching, soreness, or bleeding, increased vaginal discharge or vaginal bleeding between menstrual periods (in females), or penile discharge or painful, swollen testicles (in males); when a newborn has conjunctivitis
Sample Required?
A first-catch urine sample
Test Preparation Needed?
For a urine sample, you may be instructed to wait one to two hours after you last urinated before collecting a urine sample. Follow the instructions you are given.